Spiritual Vitality

Take the Spiritual Vitality Pledge!

We do not lack for opportunities in our church.  We have opportunities to worship, to learn, to serve, to welcome, to reach out.  We may even have a secret hope to change the world for the better – at least our little corner of it.  We have so many opportunities that it can get a little overwhelming!

And that’s a problem, because the purpose of our missions and ministries is not to fill up calendars.  The point is to create connection in an increasingly disconnected world.  Unless our involvement grows out of a desire to connect with one another and with God, it’s all just information and obligation.

So consider joining us in making a commitment of our spirits.  We encourage everyone to consider whether or not you are drawn to make this promise to yourself and to God. 

As an affirmation of my heartfelt

yearning to draw closer to the Holy in my life

I pledge to spend

at least 10 minutes each day

In a time of intentional openness to God’s presence.


I recognize that this may be done in many ways ~

perhaps through prayer, mindful meditation,

sitting in silence, walking in nature,

music, yoga, devotional  reading, chant,

or whatever speaks my spirit.

However the Spirit leads and enlivens me,

I will honor the time with an open mind and heart.


I also pledge my intention find ways to meet

with others who have participated in this daily commitment

to listen to, support, and learn from each other

as Love deepens our capacity to care and to serve.


We would love to know if you decide to join us in this pledge - whether for a week or a month, a season or a year.

Take the Spiritual Vitality Pledge.  Email the church office so we know you have signed the pledge. 


Resources to help you on the way:

Below are a number of resoucres that others have found helpful on their journey to be more open to God's presence.

Prayer Practices

A Guide to Healing Prayer

Listening for and Hearing God

The Lord’s Prayer in Other Words


The UCC offers many resources to explore faith practices. You can also subscribe to daily and weekly email reflections.
